Saturday, 18 February 2012

Spontaneous saturday #1

for everything you have missed
you have gained something else
and for everything you gain
you lose something else

it is about your outlook towards life
you can either regret or rejoice.

Ape yang anda faham ttg apa yg diperkatakan?

6 Org kOmen siNi:

kim heeruul said...


cinta siswi said...

betul3.. kdeg2 kite xprasan yg kite da kehilangan sesuatu bile kite dpt mnda bru..

biela bell said...

hidup umpama roda :)

Anonymous said...

Bpinar mata bce omputih pepagi cmni..pkol 5 pg..huhu

teha said...

that's what we called life :) hahhaa !

Anonymous said...

sesuai ngan situasi chemay sekarang.

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